An appraisal is a formal and accredited procedure that is used to determine an artwork’s value. The artwork’s value is inclusive of a palpable guarantee of the value of your artwork. In definition, appraisal of an artwork does not center around its tie to a monetary value. It can change over time depending on the relationship between the buyers and sellers. highlights more on The Estades art gallery where one can purchase painting either through the art gallery or online art gallery.

What is the role of an appraiser?

The role involves carrying out valuation services in an independent manner that is not subjective to the artwork in question. The appraiser gives their opinion of the artwork based on the evidence provided while disregarding any biases that may come up. A professional appraiser takes into note any prior auction and sale records. They also account for the state of the artwork to determine the value

The different kinds of appraisal?

Art appraisals can be conducted for different reasons depending on the plans considered for the artwork. The following are the different types of appraisal in art:-

  • Insurance Value
  • Resale value
  • Donation

Insurance Value

There is an appraisal for insurance value. It is the current market value of replacing the artwork in a retail gallery.

A relevant example is that of the occurrence of a calamity such as a fire. If it destroys your work of art, there is consideration of the replicating cost of the artwork. This appraisal purchase is often made by participants who are willing to safeguard their artworks as opposed to selling them.

Resale Value

The second type of appraisal purchase is the appraisal for resale value. It evaluates the wholesale value from which you may expect to sell the painting. However, it does not guarantee a sale at the wholesale value at any given moment. It’s also not assured that the painting will be sold at all.


The third type of appraisal is one for donation purposes. When donating, you require this as the fair market value. It’s similar to appraisal for resale value as previous auction and sale records are considered over any retail prices provided. It assists any artist or collector who plans to donate artworks. A tax deduction represents the donation of the artwork value. An important factor to note is that the only sole deduction the artist can purchase is only worth the materials used to produce the artwork. The creativity and time the artist put in are not part of the tax deduction provided.

How do art appraisals work

Primarily, appraisals are established on market research. It usually pertains to looking out for artworks that are currently on sale, taking counsel from auction records, looking into the private sales records, and sourcing similar objects to those being appraised. The history of ownership and the exhibitions linked to the said artwork can also raise the value of the artwork.

For different appraisals, contrasting research is carried out to suit the appraisal’s needs. Each appraisal has an illustrated segment that captures all authentic details. Afterwards, there is a statement of the value of the artwork. The appraisals generally last for about ten years, although different appraisal users may have theirs updated depending on the market conditions and purpose for different artists.

Why would you need an appraisal?

To insure valuable objects, insurance companies need appraisals to conduct the service. In case one needs to make claims of loss or damage, an expert’s opinion usually weighs in more heavily than the owner’s. Appraisals are unavoidable, especially for the sole purpose of determining precise tax deductions in the scenario of an audit. Non-profit organizations allow for donations of art as proof of appraisals that they record for themselves. You will need an appraisal to resell a work of art. It helps identify how much you will receive if the piece gets sold. It also comes in quite handy, especially in consignment negotiations.


It’s advisable to purchase an appraisal to increase the value of your artwork. In the long run, it will favour you as the beneficiary and add value to your artwork. An appraisal of artwork inures your work and enables you to have a preset resale value. This secures the recognition of the artwork as long as it is done.